[器評] 瑞典PRIMARE CD播放機的集體評測:來自瑞典的CD35是最後贏家!

  • This flagship with space for a streaming module provesthat excellence is more than just a state-of-the-art DAC
  • The dizzying speed, dynamic tension and mix of delicacy and bite are jaw dropping

As well as clean, minimalist design and meticulous build quality, Sweden’s Primare is all over the idea of modularity, a philosophy that invites system flexibility and, very Scandi this, internal harmony. For example, buy its flagship CD35 CD player and you can add its SM35 Prisma network player module at any point. There’s also the DD25 transport – essentially the CD35 sans DAC – to consider in a wider system context. Whichever way you cut it, all bases are covered.

A strong inkling of the CD35’s intentions starts with the classy, isolated TEAC CD502A-AT transport mechanism (vastly superior to any off-the-shelf drive) and a linear power supply with separate regulation for the mechanics, digital and analogue circuits. A memory buffer is used for improved performance. Decoding is handled by a 32-bit, 8-channel ESS Sabre ES9028 Pro DAC with its remarkable 129dB dynamic range and set up in double-differential mode, feeding both single-ended (RCA) and balanced (XLR) outputs via a hand-selected FET input section.

Much effort has been poured into the CD35’s power supply design. Primare’s reasoning is that for all the elements of any design to work effortlessly and effectively demands unique power supply solutions, be they linear or switch mode. For the CD35, individual discrete power supplies are strategically inserted into the circuit to deliver the right amount of power exactly where it’s needed – to wit a custom linear power supply combined with a switch mode standby supply (turned off when in playback mode to minimise noise) capable of delivering the precise power needed on demand.

Prize for the best display goes to the CD35 by a breezy margin. An OLED display, with big, bright, off-white characters not only looks incredibly smart, but is ridiculously easy to read from a distance. The Primare also scores highly for the thoughtful spacing of its rear panel sockets, which can easily accommodate cables with oversized connectors.

Sound quality

A clear round? I doubt any Group Test will ever witness one, but here’s the Primare CD35 and that’s close enough. Think reverse perfect storm, a rare union of positive attributes – let’s call it best-of-all-worlds syndrome – that combine to nail ‘dead right’. First off, the CD35 is supremely confident and comfortable in its own skin and its sonic assets are truly all-encompassing.

It can sound like the Rega, but with more beef and balls. It has the Roksan matched for smoothness and refinement but trounced for dynamics and fine detail. The Cyrus runs it closer, but again the Primare pulls ahead with an even clearer and more transparent presentation, which is also too good for the similarly well-rounded but ultimately less well-endowed and insightful Musical Fidelity offering.

Naturally 7 really live up to their name via the CD35. Far from being an artfully blended but amorphous vocal mass, the Primare’s powers of resolution and separation more accurately portray an ensemble of fewer singers in a larger space with more lung power, tonal nuance and easily understood expression. No blurring or artificial smoothing – it all just sounds stunningly natural.

Moreover, the CD35’s skills are seamlessly transferable. As you might imagine, Goodbye Pork Pie Hat sounds stellar, Jeff Beck’s dizzying speed, dynamic tension and effortless melding of delicacy and bite aren’t just thrilling, but truly jaw dropping. The urge to lean heavily on the volume is irresistible.



M&K Sound台灣總代理 愷銳音響 台北總公司

地址:台北市信義區信義路六段22號2樓 | 電話:02-2726-1286


地址:台中市西屯區台灣大道三段709號 | 電話:04-2258-1918


[器評] 多聲道兩聲道均宜 Primare A35.8 八聲道後級


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[音展] 2024 台北圓山TAA音響展 – 308土展房特點回顧,PRIMARE – 「剛剛好,最好」

愷銳這次展出標榜金、木、水、火、土的「音響五行之旅」,五間展房中308土展房的主角 是他們今年剛代理來自瑞典的Primare CD15 CD唱盤兼串播放機,搭配Primare Pre35前 級和A35.2後級擴大機,喇叭則是被音響迷譽為「上帝之聲」的Perlisten落地喇叭做聲音示 範。

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